"The purpose of my birth is to change the world through my writings."

Saturday, February 28, 2015

Mental blocks or a crazy streak: Which one do you choose?

If you want to change anything in this entire planet, and disturb the natural flow of things in this universe, you got to break free from the narrow perspectives, the narrow mentality. A narrow mind implies mental blocks. And mental blocks are the biggest, the biggest and the biggest obstacles to any kind of change. Mental blocks are villainous; if they exist within you, they can destruct or deviate your thoughts. Mental blocks are contagious too; if they exist within the people around you, they can stop you from believing in yourself and indwell your mind. 

Escaping from external mental blocks is practically impossible; because they exist(in different forms)in every single person around us.

But the people who are able to, or at least try to, remove the mental blocks within themselves are extraordinary and special. 

These are the people who don't care about what the world thinks about them, the different and the unique ones, the people who dare to dare, the misfits, the misplaced, the rebels, the crazy ones, the rule breakers, the misunderstood and the trouble makers. They  are the ones who break the barriers of narrow and blocked thinking. They are the ones who can see things in a different way, who possess the capability to have a different vision and to visualize things in the most unimaginable and the scariest ways. They might be considered as 'crazy' by the rest of the world, but really, they are the ones who can make massive progress and evolutionary changes to the human life.

So here's to the crazy ones: I respect you. I salute you for being yourself. As long as you do the right thing and intend well, never ever change for anyone. Take unbelievable amounts of risks. Do whatever that makes your spirit feel stronger and happier. Never let fear or self-doubt block your mind. It is okay to let yourself go sometimes. It is okay to laugh off some things that bother you. Never ever care about what the other people think or say about you. You have to be comfortable in your own skin, be proud, be yourself. And always remember that we are in a world which is continuously trying to make you like everyone else.

And most importantly: BE UNSTOPPABLE. Don't let mental blocks(internal or external) block you! 

(Trust me, it is worth it. Someday it will all make sense.)

Copyright © Upasana Goyal 2015

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